Welcome to my Next Chapter

Where I’m coming from

“I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.”

– Albert Einstein

If you know me in real life, or if you read my About page, you’ll notice that I’m no stranger to risk and change. But after starting my own business 13 years ago, growing it to 10 people, and surviving the economic storm of recent years… I thought perhaps I had outgrown my trajectory of goals and life changes. I thought I had “arrived” at my ideal professional destination. I had two great business partners, an awesome staff, exciting clients, and challenging projects.

But, tragedy struck and everything changed. I started asking new questions, and seeking more answers. Things that used to be fulfilling were now empty. Topics that never before caught my attention were now calling my name.

At first, I thought I could do what most people do: work my “day job” (which I previously described as my “dream job”) and pursue my new interests in my free time. But earlier this year, I realized that wasn’t authentic for me. I’ve got to be all in. And when I do go all in, miraculous things happen. I proved that to myself 13 years ago, and I wasn’t afraid of doing that again.

Where I am

So today, after several months of planning and transitioning with my business partners, I’m able to share the news: I’m leaving my business in the very capable hands of my business partners, and beginning my next chapter… the life chapter I call Writer / Researcher / Advocate.

Starting today, my life is going to be dedicated to my belief that we all have the power to create the life we want, and the use of “wellness technology” can help get us there… faster and easier than ever before. In other words, I’m merging my years of working on interactive communications for Fortune 500 companies with my hypothesis that technology can make a big contribution to the personal growth of individuals.

We’ve all seen the rise of natural techniques for people seeking personal and spiritual growth. I love the fact that there seems to be a yoga studio on every corner, and meditation isn’t just for “new-age people” anymore. But what most people don’t realize is that there’s a growing number of products and techniques that use TECHNOLOGY to reduce stress, move through grief, and more.

Where I’m going

There’s one major difference between the leap I took 13 years ago and the leap I’m taking now. Back then, I didn’t really have the option of working with mentors and teachers — I had to figure things out and learn things the hard way. Today, there ARE pioneers that I can learn from. Inventors, neuroscientists, energy workers, philosophers… there are tons of people doing amazing things every day. But no one is linking them together.

So for the next six months, I’m going to be immersing myself in the study of brain science and technology for personal growth. I’m going to be reading, researching, and training in topics and products that help people accomplish their personal growth goals — faster and easier than they would if they only used “natural” techniques. I’m going to be connecting the dots between what works in the corporate world, what’s happening in the scientific world, and what’s needed in an individual’s world.

Once I get far enough along in my process, I’ll be compiling my findings in a book that will be part memoir, part how-to. And starting in January of 2014, I’ll begin working one-on-one with clients as a “wellness technology consultant.”

I’ll be using this blog to give progress updates, book reports, and stories along the way. So, stay tuned. I have no doubt that there are fascinating things just around the corner, for all of us.

To be continued!

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