
After graduating from the Minneapolis College of Art + Design (MCAD) in the mid-90s, I channeled most of my creative energy into marketing communications for large companies. But I never stopped loving art.

Today, I am passionate about creating art that merges digital photography with fiber art. Currently I do not have any works for sale, but I welcome commission inquiries. Contact me to discuss custom artwork.

sample artwork – large format

I CREATE MY FUTURE (2017) for Future: Made Here

actual size: Three panels of approx. 40″ x 50″ each
materials: wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, ceramics, and digital print on canvas

My second Made Here Showcase is currently on display in City Center in downtown Minneapolis (see map). The show will be on display through August 30, 2017.  View my artist statement on the Made Here website.


Left: Dark / Center: Neutral / Right: Bright


City Center: 7th Street Entrance (see map)

THERE AND HERE (2016) for Spirit: Made Here

actual size: 144″ x 60″
materials: wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, and digital print on canvas

I was one of 50 artist selected for Spirit: Made Here which was on display in the IDS Center in downtown Minneapolis from December 2016 through March 2017. They also made a video about my showcase.

sample artwork – medium format


actual size 20″ x 30″
materials: wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, and digital print on canvas



actual size 14″ x 36″
materials: wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, and digital print on canvas



actual size 18″ x 38″
materials: wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, and digital print on canvas



follow me on Instagram

You can follow my artwork-in-progress on Instagram at @emilyeatonart


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